[The Hips Don't Lie Series] Maximizing Multi-planar Hip Movement

The hips are such a vital area when it comes to everyday movements and athletics. That is why I wanted to devote an entire series on exploring related topics concerning maintaining optimal performance and resilience. Even if you think, “my hips are fine, I don’t need this,” please realize that the hips have a big impact on the knee, lower body mechanics and lumbar spine health. Therefore, I cannot overstate their importance!

In today’s video, and future videos, we will go more in-depth about self-assessment, flexibility, neuromuscular activation, strength vs. stability, and multi-planar movement. Be sure to click here first and watch ‘The Hips Don’t Lie Series’ Trailer. I hope you enjoy the content! And, please comment below with any questions or comments.

With how much range of motion the hip possesses, it's important to teach movement in multiple planes of motion. What often happens nowadays through lack of movement and the growing sedentary lifestyle is restricted range of motion and poor movement variability. This is especially true for runners who only move in the sagittal plane, also many of which sit at a desk throughout the day.

In the following video, I walk you through 3 of my favorite multi-planar movements. These movements can really be incorporated anywhere, as long as they are a weekly staple. Typically, I recommend they be used as part of your dynamic warm-up and/or strength training program. Just because they are mobility focused, and a little unconventional from a strength standpoint, adding resistance and building strength throughout the range is important.

Without further ado, let me demonstrate the lateral squat, transverse lunge, and cross-behind lunge...


How to Manipulate External Load to Optimize Kinematics


[The Hips Don't Lie Series] 3 Movements to Improve Hip Strength & Stability