[The Hips Don't Lie Series] Hip Strength vs. Hip Stability

The hips are such a vital area when it comes to everyday movements and athletics. That is why I wanted to devote an entire series on exploring related topics concerning maintaining optimal performance and resilience. Even if you think, “my hips are fine, I don’t need this,” please realize that the hips have a big impact on the knee, lower body mechanics and lumbar spine health. Therefore, I cannot overstate their importance!

In today’s video, and future videos, we will go more in-depth about self-assessment, flexibility, neuromuscular activation, strength vs. stability, and multi-planar movement. Be sure to click here first and watch ‘The Hips Don’t Lie Series’ Trailer. I hope you enjoy the content! And, please comment below with any questions or comments.

When it comes to optimizing hip performance, strength and stability are important. But, they are not the same!Too often do I see people interchange strength and stability. This is also apparent in their training program as they have strength exercises and are assuming that better stability will be the result.

You cannot strengthen a muscle and expect it to stabilize better. That is why ensuring your program consists of specific exercises to target both is important. Or, finding those big bang-for-your-buck exercises which directly impact strength and stability.

In the following video, I explain the difference between strength and stability and why that matters at the hip joint…


[The Hips Don't Lie Series] 3 Movements to Improve Hip Strength & Stability


In the Spotlight: Guy Edwards