We are back at it with another 'In the Spotlight' series. This time, let's hear from Teresa Cox who is an avid trail runner and outdoor enthusiast.

For over a year now, I have had the pleasure of working with Teresa. With a primary goal to stay injury-free throughout the demands of high mileage, Teresa has certainly put in the work to fight off the aches and pains commonly associated with trail running. And, it has been great to see her consistent improvement, especially with several upper body movements like push-ups and pull-ups!

Without further ado, let's shine the spotlight on...

Teresa Cox

Trail running & hiking in the Grand Canyon.

Q: Where are you from?

A: "I grew up in Birmingham and Atlanta. I’ve lived in Franklin though longer than anywhere else, for 22 years."

Q: What are some of your favorite hobbies?

A: "Trail running, scrapbooking, reading."

Q: How long have you been trail running and what is your biggest accomplishment to date?

A: "Finishing my 50 mile trail race in Oregon is my biggest accomplishment so far.  I’d also say signing up for that first race (a road 1/2)  and sticking with a training plan was a huge accomplishment for me because I never liked running, never thought I’d run, or believed I was capable of covering the distance.  Never underestimate how hard it is to start something new and stick to it."

Q: What are the top reasons that makes trail running so much more enjoyable than being on the road?

A: "I just love being out in nature. I don’t listen to music on the trails, so I enjoy hearing the breeze blowing through the trees, the squirrels and birds talking, the rain falling. My favorite is running beside a creek and listening to the water gurgling by, but sadly we don’t have that at Percy Warner."

Q: What are your favorite trails to run?

A: "I LOVE the Warner Park trails (Edwin and Percy Warner)!!!!  I also really enjoy going to Chattanooga for a day trip to run some of their many trails. And I have a love affair with the trails in the PNW."

Q: When you first started working with Garrett, what were the goals you wanted to achieve?

A: "I wanted to get stronger and be able to avoid running injuries.  I also need to work on building stronger bones."

Q: What motivated you to work with Garrett and/or start making changes in your routine?

A: "I had been to a PT for yet another running injury and just knew that I needed to add in some regular strength training to help keep me running and healthy."

Q: What are the most noticeable improvements you’ve seen so far?

A: "I have definitely noticed a huge improvement in my upper body strength! Pushup or pull-ups anyone??"

Q: How do you feel Garrett’s services may differ from other professionals in his field?

A: "My PT recommended Garrett because he works specifically on functional movement, in addition to strength, targeting the client’s individual weaknesses and goals in each training session. I’ve never worked with a trainer that I feel tailors things so much to me."

Q: Looking ahead, do you have any new goals/races you are working towards?

A: "Well, having broken my ankle in January (slipping on ice on a run), my first goal upon return will be to build strength back up, especially on my right leg which was non-weight bearing for 2 months. I fully trust Garrett to help me fix the imbalances this injury has created. My primary goal will be to build my running back up in a safe and sustainable way. If I’m able, I do have a running trip planned with my husband in August that I will be working towards (~100 miles in 8 days in Switzerland, France, and Italy). I also signed up for another 50 miler in early December in the Chattanooga area.  Those 2 events will be my focus for 2018."

Thank you for reading this ‘In the Spotlight’ segment. And, a big shout out to Teresa Cox! Please feel free to comment below with any questions or feedback.


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