We are back at it with our third edition of ‘In the Spotlight!’ This month I have a client who is very enjoyable to work with and has shown strong improvements along the way.

During our first session, we completed a thorough evaluation/movement assessment and pinpointed several areas that needed to be addressed to help resolve his knee/hip pain and improve mobility for a better golf game. This has been paramount to his success. Because even despite setbacks and several instances of pain along the way, we identified the problem areas and stayed focus on making improvements each and every session.

I am thankful for Richard and his ability to stay patient. From the beginning I have been confident he would make strong improvements. But, with underlying orthopedic issues it's always smart to respect the process and stay the course. Now we are at a place where we can more aggressively address his fitness goals and he does so with better range of motion and strength. This has also become evident in his golf game as he now drives the ball farther and with more velocity.

Without further ado, let's shine the spotlight on...

Richard Tyre

Q: First, tell us a little bit about yourself and where are you from?

A: "Jesup, Ga. A small town in Coastal Georgia, but I have lived most of my life in Atlanta."

Q: What do you do for work?

A: "I own a company called UniHost, Inc. We are a small hotel development company."

Q: When you aren’t working, what are some of your favorite hobbies?

A: "Golf and music."

Q: What are the top reasons you enjoy golfing? And, what improvements what you noticed since working with Garrett?

A: "Golf is a great way to just clear the mental filters, enjoy the outdoors and hang out with friends. I also enjoy the fun competition."

Q: If you could live anywhere in the world where would that be? Why?

A: "That is a good question. I think I would be happy anywhere my family is but I would not want to live outside the United States. San Diego or Hawaii would not be bad though."

Q: When you first started working with Garrett, what were the goals you wanted to achieve?

A: "I really wanted to focus on flexibility and get stronger."

Q: What motivated you to work with Garrett and/or start making changes in your routine?

A: "Well, I am closing in on 70yrs. old and other than golf I had become somewhat sedentary. Garrett had been highly recommended to me and I simply wanted to get in the best shape possible for my age and continue to play golf and be able to do the things that I enjoy."

Q: What are the most noticeable improvements you’ve seen so far?

A: "When I first started seeing Garrett I was starting to have problems with my hips and knees. I remember the first session I could not do anything close to a squat due to the pain and lack of flexibility. Garrett developed a program for me to strengthen and gain flexibility in those areas and the progress has been nothing short of amazing. I am now basically doing full squats without pain."

Q: What is your favorite part about the sessions?  

A: "We have fun. It is a great full body workout but at the same time Garrett is just a great guy to be around."

Q: What is the one or two things you dislike the most but continue to work on because you know it will help?

A: "Definitely working on balance. I read somewhere that as we age that one out of 3 people age 65 and older fall each year and that the results can be catastrophic. Also that the functioning of the receptors that control balance declines with age. I always laugh and joke with Garrett that I don’t want to work on balance because I keep falling over but I’m glad that we work on it often. It’s important and Garrett knows that."

Q: How do you feel Garrett’s services may differ from other professionals in his field?

A: "The first thing that Garrett did when I started training with him was to do a thorough assessment to see what we needed to work on. I have had trainers in the past that were more capable of hurting you than helping you.  Without question Garrett the best and most qualified trainer that I have ever worked with and really cares about the well being of his clients.  He is also a very compassionate guy and is just fun to be around."

Q: Looking ahead, do you have any new goals you are working towards?

A: "The main goal I have is to just keep working with Garrett on being able to do the things that I enjoy and that are important to me as I age."

Thank you for reading this ‘In the Spotlight’ segment. And, a big shout out to Richard Tyre!! Please feel free to comment below with any questions or feedback.


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