In the Spotlight: Kim Potts

In this edition of 'In the Spotlight,' let's talk with Kim Potts! Kim recently finished The Healthy Running Program's 6-Week Fitness Challenge. And, not only did she finish it but she won 1st place.

The fitness challenge for runners is graded on consistently completing certain tasks over the entire 6-weeks. In my opinion, you can have the best strength training program in the world, but if you aren't consistent enough to see results than it does not matter. Luckily for me, I did NOT have that problem with Kim.

From the beginning, Kim was on top of all the details. She knew what had to get done and barely missed any of the tasks. Not only that, but Kim worked hard each and every session. She wasn't afraid to push her limits and it showed when it came time for the post-testing.

Without further ado, let's shine the spotlight on...

Kim Potts

Q: Where are you from?

A: “I grew up in Clarksville but have lived in the Nashville area for close to 30 years. I live in Franklin now.”

Q: What do you do for work?

A: “I work for the state for the Comptroller of the Treasury. I am a research analyst – my small office provides non-partisan research and information to state legislators about various public policy issues. I do a lot of education-related research but am currently working on an issue that concerns individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. I learn a lot in my job, which is the main thing I like about it.”

Q: When you aren’t working, what are some of your favorite hobbies?

A: “I love to read – mainly, but not exclusively, fiction. I used to sew clothes a lot in my younger days, but that is very time consuming so lately I’ve taken up embroidery, a more portable hobby. I find use of colors really fun. I also like photography.”

Q: What is one thing most people don’t know about you?

A: “Hmmm, anything that most people don’t know about me by now is probably best left that way!”

Q: What are the top reasons you enjoy running and exercise?

A: “Exercise has always made me feel better, physically and mentally. I’m not from a physically active family but started exercising at a gym with friends in my twenties and got hooked. I’m very much a creature of habit so not exercising would feel really wrong now. I’m still a new runner (really run-walker) but running has an even more positive effect on me. I’m not sure why – maybe it’s just the challenge of doing it and feeling so good that I did it after. I also find running somewhat meditative.”

Q: If you could live anywhere in the world where would that be? Why?

A: “I would live at the beach because….the ocean!”

Q: When you first started working with Garrett, what were the goals you wanted to achieve?

A: “I have done some form of strength training for a long time, either at a gym or at home. Once I started adding in running, I definitely wanted to also include strength but I wasn’t sure exactly how to integrate the two. That was my biggest reason for wanting to work with Garrett.”

Q: What motivated you to join the 6-week challenge? And, were you already including any strength training on your own?

A: “See the answer to the previous question.”

Q: What are the most noticeable improvements you’ve seen so far?

A: “I have noticed that I’m not achy after runs like I was in the beginning. I think that’s partly because I use Garrett’s dynamic workout moves now before every run. I’m still too new at running to be thinking much about time, etc. So just feeling good when I’m running is an achievement, I think.”

Q: Do you feel the 6-week challenge highlighted any key areas that you need to focus more on moving forward?

A: “I’m still working on toe yoga, but I’m getting there! But also upper body strength is probably something I need to work on.”

Q: You did a great job staying consistent throughout the challenge. I mean, you don’t get a 94% score just by doing the bare minimum. How did you approach each week to ensure you completed all the workouts, hydration, and corrective exercises?

A: “Like I said earlier, I am a creature of habit and I find it fairly easy to form new habits that I’m convinced are worth it. I committed to completing the program and I just worked it into my schedule. I’m still doing all the corrective exercises about five or six times a week, too, and am working out with one of Garrett’s groups once a week now.”

Q: What was your favorite part about the 6-week challenge program?

A: “I enjoyed working out with other people a lot. The program was both fun and challenging. The plank challenge against Richard was fun even though I lost!”

Q: What is that one thing (exercise, drill, etc.) you dislike the most but continue to work on because you know it will help?

A: “I don’t really love doing the side plank with leg raises but I do it because I’m so much improved than when I first tried it. It’s still challenging every single time though!”

Q: How do you feel Garrett’s services may differ from other professionals in his field?

A: “I like that the written exercise programs Garrett provides link to videos that show how to do all the various exercises correctly – I think that’s so helpful. Also I like getting a list of corrective exercises targeted at my needs. Garrett’s program is very comprehensive and thoughtful.”

Q: Looking ahead, do you have any new goals/races you are working towards for the Fall?

A: “I am registered for the Heroes 6K in September. I did it last year and it was my first race ever. I’m also planning to run the 10K in Race 13.1 in October – this is associated with the Fleet Feet No Boundaries group, which I’m rejoining in August. My goal would be to run more, walk less – I’ve been doing 3:1 intervals but would love to eventually just run!”

Thank you for reading this ‘In the Spotlight’ segment. And, a big shout out to Kim Potts! Please feel free to comment below with any questions or feedback.


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