In the Spotlight: Jessica Homolya

We are back at it within another edition of 'In the Spotlight!' This month, let's hear from Jessica Homolya.

I started working with Jessica in December 2017 and have enjoyed watching her progress from pain to big improvements in strength and finishing the Rock & Roll 1/2 Marathon with a new PR.When we first started working together, Jessica was struggling with knee and hamstring pain. After the evaluation, it was clear that there were specific areas that needed to be addressed with therapy and exercise. In addition to incorporating slow eccentric movements to alleviate the chronic knee pain, she worked diligently to restore strength and proper motion at the ankles, hips, and thoracic spine.

There are some people who need to be pushed and then there are others who just need to be guided. Jessica has a great background in exercise science and is one of the most motivated and hardworking people I know. In her case, it's more so tweaking the dials and letting her do what she does.

Without further ado, let's shine the spotlight on...

Jessica Homolya

Q: Tell us a little bit about yourself (born, raised, family)?

A: “Born in Somerset Kentucky but raised in up state NY. I went to Western Kentucky University and received a degree in Exercise Science. I moved to louisville Kentucky out of college which is where I met my husband Ken. We have 3 crazy kids ages 6, 4, and 2.”

Q: What are some of your favorite hobbies?

A: “My husband and I play softball together! I love working out and basically doing anything physical or competitive. We run a bunch of adventure races and I just ran my second half marathon. I love to spend time with my kiddos and we all love movie night at home!!”

Q: If you could live anywhere in the world where would that be? Why?

A: “Thats a hard question. I guess I would say that Im pretty happy right where I am at. I would like to slow down a bit but Im pretty happy with Nashvegas! Its pretty centrally located to a lot of cool places with in driving distance and its a great city!”

Q: What are the reasons exercise (lifting, running, etc.) has been such a big part of your life over the years?

A: “I have always been an athlete from the moment I could pick up a ball. When I was a senior in high school i developed a pretty bad eating disorder because I was always bigger/more muscular than most of the girls in my school. At that point in my life i didn't appreciate the muscle that I had!!! Needless to say, I was very sick for about 5 years.It wasn't until the end of my sophomore year in college that I decided to change my life and be healthy.I changed my major from animal science to exercise science and i dove in. I have loved learning about nutrition and exercise and have lived the lifestyle ever since. I love working out and I love cooking healthy delicious food!!!”

Q: When you first started working with Garrett, what were the main goals you wanted to achieve?

A: “When I first started working with Garrett I was a train wreck.I had run my first half marathon in april 2017 and had only trained 3 weeks for it. I had the worst knee and hamstring pain to the point that it would wake me up in the middle of the night. My body had also changed after having 3 children and my core was seriously compromised and my glutes were not firing.For a person who loves working out and being active, this was a huge problem. I just wanted to feel good again and get stronger. I needed help!”

Q: After you started seeing improvements in your knee and hamstring pain, did your goals change at all?

A: “My goals absolutely did change!!! I said I would never run a half marathon again but as soon as I started feeling better guess what...I signed up for a second one!! My knee pain and hamstring pain had resolved to the point that I could run so I trained for it and improved my time by 24 minutes WITH NO PAIN!!! I felt absolutely amazing!”

Q: In the beginning, what motivated you to work with Garrett?

A: “I just wanted to be out of pain and to get stronger.I was so sick of working so hard to only hurt and not see any progress.”

Q: What are the most noticeable improvements you’ve seen so far?

A: “My knee and hamstring pain is gone!!!! I can sprint around the bases playing softball without feelinglike I am going to tear ever muscle in my leg. I am getting stronger and most importantly I am pain free!!! I am actually seeing results!!”

Q: What is your favorite part about the sessions?

A: “I LOVE that he pushes me past my comfort zone. The intensity of my workouts is so much higher when I train with Garrett.”

Q: What is that one thing you dislike the most but continue to work on because you know it will help?

A: “I don't really dislike anything about the workouts/programs.I love working hard and the progress I am seeing is driving me even more!!”

Q: Recently, you ran the Rock & Roll 1/2 Marathon. How did your training go for this race and the race itself?

A: “The road training for the race was grueling but rewarding.I pounded the pavement with zero knee pain for the first time in a year and I loved it.The strength training for the race was very centered around core strengthening and hip strengthening.This I am positive is what made this race absolutely amazing for me.I was able to hit my time goal, feel good while running the race, and even more importantly i felt AMAZING after the race! I can honestly say that this race was by far my most rewarding race to date because I felt like I had something to prove to myself and that was that I could do it again, have a goal and meet it, and feel good during and after!!!”

Q: How do you feel Garrett’s services may differ from other professionals in his field?

A: “Garrett is very passionate about what he does and he is 100% invested in his training clients and their personal goals. He is extremely knowledgeable with the human body, functional movement, exercise to improve weakness and rehab injury. He isn't just some cookie cutter trainer. He truly is an expert at what he does!!! Every program is specific to his client and their needs/wants. He assesses your strengths and your weaknesses and tailors your program to you and your fitness goals!!”

Q: Looking ahead, do you have any new goals you are working towards in 2018?

A: “Ha!!! My goals are always changing.After the race I was sure I was going to run a full marathon but right now my main goal is to build strength in my hips/glutes, to be stronger all around, and to maintain a physique that I am comfortable with.I may talk him into working on my speed while sprinting since I have slowed down a bit from the distance running!”

Thank you for reading this ‘In the Spotlight’ segment. And, a big shout out to Jessica Homolya! Please feel free to comment below with any questions or feedback.


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