Garrett McLaughlin | Kalamazoo, MI

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In the Spotlight: Ashley Robinson

We are back at it with another 'In the Spotlight' series. This time, let's hear from Ashley Robinson who's unique energy will liven up any room.

I've been working with Ashley since October 2016 and there haven't been many dull moments. She is always upbeat, positive, and continues to challenge herself in the gym. It's this kind of consistency over an extended period of time which produces sustainable, long-term results.

Without further ado, let's shine the spotlight on...

Ashley Robinson

Q: Where are you from?

A: “Growing up, my family moved around a lot.I have lived in 8 different states, New Hampshire, West Virginia (x2), Louisiana, Indiana, Connecticut, New York and now Tennessee, and we were never anywhere for more than 6 years, so I don’t call one place home.It is still surprising to me that I have managed to stay in Nashville for almost 7 years.”

Q: What do you do for work?

A: “I am a healthcare project manager.”

Q: When you aren’t working, what are some of your favorite hobbies?

A: “I love to dance, so much so, that I try to turn every workout into a dance move with about a 75% success rate.I also love to travel, meet new people, and experience new cultures, both in the United States and abroad.I have a goal of visiting all 50 states by the time that I am 35 – I have 14 states left to go.”

Q: What are the top reasons you enjoy running?

A: “When I was in grade school, I hated running and thought I would never be able to run more than 1 mile, so I felt a little crazy when I decided to sign up for my first half marathon. However, now 13 halfs and 1 full later, I love the fact that running pushes me to do things that I never thought possible.

Also, the running community is amazing, especially here in Nashville.I love cheering on others and watching them achieve their goals, and am so grateful for the encouragement I have received along the way.”

Q: If you could live anywhere in the world where would that be? Why?

A: “I am not attached to a specific location, but I would love to be able to have constant access to Broadway shows and have my life just be a constant musical. How cool would it be to snap your fingers and then have the cast of Hairspray come out and do a flash mob as means to narrate your life and then they go away and you proceed with life as normal business?”

Q: Is there one quote that has stuck with you over the years?

A: “The Spanish phrase is “No Pares, Sigue, Sigue” which directly translates into “Don’t stop, Continue, Continue” but more colloquially translates “Don’t Stop, Get it, Get it.””

Q: What motivated you to work with Garrett and/or start making changes in your routine?

A: “I met Garrett after one of our training runs at Fleet Feet, and he had a sign-up sheet for what I thought was free physical therapy, so I thought “this is awesome”, and I signed up.Then I received an email from Garrett, for a “learn-by-doing” session, and realized I should have ask more questions and actually read the description on the sheet.I figured I might as well try the session out and see what happens.I was already doing some strength/circuit training, but it was not catered to runners, and I felt like I was hurting myself more than helping.So, after the session with Garrett, I decided his work would be more suited to help me achieve my running goals.”

Q: What are the most noticeable improvements you’ve seen so far?

A: “After an IT band injury, I did an assessment with Garrett, and he developed a dynamic warm-up for me; after warming up and doing the workouts consistently, I have noticed a great decrease in hip pain, and as someone who suffers from dead butt syndrome, my butt is finally coming back to life!

I have also noticed that I am more mindful of the different muscle groups that I am utilizing while running and how the exercises we do carry over into the actual running movement.”

Q: What is your favorite part about the sessions?

A: "I love the little community that we have developed with the Monday night groups.Having this group made it easy to come to the workouts, even if the workouts are not that easy, Monday nights are an awesome way to start of the week!

I also get joy from hearing the sound of weights dropping on the floor or the exercise band snapping against equipment, similar to the joy one feels stepping on a crunchy leaf in the fall, but Garrett gets worried that I am going to break something/someone, so I have to do it when he isn’t looking.”

Q: What is your nickname in the Monday night group session? And, why is that so fitting?

A: "My nickname is the Hypeman, mostly because I aspire to tour with a rapper and do that for a career one day. However, in the meantime, I’m getting a lot of practice cheering on our Monday night crew and telling them “You can do it!” or that they can lift heavier weights, sorry Keri.”

Q: What is that one thing you dislike the most but continue to work on because you know it will help?

A: “Anything slow, but especially step-ups.They have helped tremendously with my glute function, but my heart cries a little every time I see them on the workouts.”

Q: How do you feel Garrett’s services may differ from other professionals in his field?

A: “Garrett’s program is really catered to runners and where they are in their training.He has a great knowledge and is continuously working to increase this knowledge, which he shares with us in abundance.He also has a great attention to detail and really works to get to know each person in our sessions.Even though I might try, you cannot hide during the workout. Garrett will find you and give your corrections to ensure you are get the most out of the workouts.”

Q: Looking ahead, do you have any new goals/races you are working towards for 2018?

A: ”Right now, I am focused on increasing my general base speed and mileage, but I plan on signing up for my second marathon this fall.”

Thank you for reading this ‘In the Spotlight’ segment. And, a big shout out to Ashley Robinson! Please feel free to comment below with any questions or feedback.